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about loan etc: 5 Offbeat Ways to Make Money in a Recession

Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

5 Offbeat Ways to Make Money in a Recession

If your income depends on a regular paycheck, what do you do when that paycheck gets smaller? How do you pay your bills when you have less money to pay them with and more bills every month? It's not easy. Maybe you're thinking of getting a second job, but that might not work because layoffs are much more numerous than job openings.

If you're at your wit's end and feel like you've tried everything, here are some ideas that might work for you. Of course, no one should risk more money than they have or do anything they don't believe is right to make extra money. But maybe one of these oddball methods is something that would work for you.

1. Rent out a room in your house to help pay the mortgage. Of course, check with your zoning board, but especially if you live near a college, you could easily rent to a college student and make a hundred or so a week for doing very little.

2. If you live in a warm climate, consider whether living in a campground and renting out your house would be cheaper than paying your mortgage and staying where you are.

3. Go to the dog track, play the races on paper for a few days and see if you have a talent for picking winners. Some people make their living at the dog track.

4. If you can write at all, check out the freelance jobs online. Although it doesn't pay much, a good article writer can write a $5 article in a half hour. Pump out four and that's $20/hr which isn't bad for part time work.

5. Find a talent you have that someone will pay for. If you can sew, bake, knit, garden or fix lawnmowers, put an ad in the local bargain paper. If possible, teach your skill and you can make even more money.

The big thing is to be creative. Think outside the box and don't just think that the only thing you can do is what you've always done. Many people find when they get laid off or in a career bind that it was really a blessing in disguise. Finding something you really like to do can be priceless.

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